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We know you’re excited to use our #1 Fetal Doppler.

Select one of the buttons below to access the step-by-step guides to get the best experience with Baby Doppler.

How to use

Baby Doppler "Sonoline B"

Baby Heartbeat Tracker

How to Use Baby Doppler App Instructions


Sonoline B Heartbeat Monitor

Sonoline B Heartbeat Monitor

Sound Enhancing Gel

Sound Enhancing Gel, Doppler Probe and 2 x AA Batteries (comes with the Heartbeat Monitor)

place to lie flat

A comfortable place to lie flat


Tissues or towel to wipe off the gel

Optional: Download the free Baby Doppler App to share your experience

Wand holder image Wand socket image

Best time to use Baby Doppler

Wand socket image

30 minutes after waking up

Wand socket image

60 minutes after eating

Wand socket image

30 minutes before bedtime

Step 1

  • Place the 2 x AA Batteries inside the Sonoline B - #Baby Heartbeat Tracker.
  • Connect the doppler probe wire to the main device.
  • Lie down comfortably with your back down on a flat surface.
  • Expose your abdomen like you would during a regular ultrasound.
  • Using the Baby Doppler while you have a full bladder can #make the heart-beat easier to hear.
Artboard step 1
Artboard step 2

Step 2

  • Switch on the device from the power button located right #on the center of the doppler.
  • Use the doppler probe to move around your lower belly until you#find a strong sound of your babyʼs heartbeat.
  • Since the gel will reduce static, use a generous amount.

Step 3

  • Starting from your pubic bone, gently glide the probe upwards towards your belly button. Slowly rock the probe, covering every#part of your stomach so that you find the heartbeat.
  • If after a few minutes you cannot find your baby, shut the #device off and try another time. You may need to wait for the #baby to grow bigger or switch posi-tions.
  • You can read the heart rate at the display monitor with the #heartbeat sound.
  • You can increase/ decrease the volume from the volume #controller given on side of Heartbeat Tracker
Artboard step 3
Artboard step 4

Step 4

  • After you've finished, clean off the probe to avoid any build-up.
  • You may choose to wipe it with 70% ethanol and then let it #air dry or simply wipe it with a clean, dry cloth.
  • Since the gel will reduce static, use a generous amount.

Bond with your baby using Baby Doppler and Share the experience with us @BabyDoppler

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